A Series of Fortunate Events: The Story Behind the Gothic Dodo...
As a 3D designer, I am fascinated by the process of designing and the associated technology of production - in particular 3D Printing. This has combined with my fascination for the now extinct dodo - and several previous commissions to 3D print educational models of mole skeletons. Whilst initially exploring the production of dodo sculptures, the distinctive shapes and forms of the skull itself suggested that it could be remodelled for production as 3D Printed Jewellery - initially in aluminium and stainless steel, but perhaps sterling silver at a later date.

The rather Gothic nature of these designs and skeletal sculptures also reflected my love of Victorian Gothic Revival Architecture and Interiors - such as the Natural History Museums in London and Oxford. I hope that this rather eclectic mix has produced a range of products that you can enjoy and own, and that we can all learn from the poignant story of the ill-fated dodo - about which I intend to add another page as soon as possible.

I also have ideas to expand the jewellery range to include earrings and brooches for example - and would love to hear your suggestions and ideas in this respect! It has taken many months of design and experimentation to get this far, so please forgive me if it takes a little longer to expand the product range. I feel that it is important to donate a percentage (1.5 %) of any sales to the international animal charity of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF - UK) to hopefully help prevent the extinction of other species too.